John Einar Sandvand
Retail options trader
This site is about selling options - written for hobby-level retail trader, like myself.
I love options trading. It is intellectually challenging. And it triggers your emotions. It will scale exponentially if you succeed, and can blow out your account in a matter of minutes if you fail.
Here is an up-front disclaimer: I am not an options trading expert! I will not try to convince you to follow a specific strategy, or to copy my trades.
Rather, Theta Profits is a part of my journey to learn more. I will explore different strategies, interview other retail traders, review books about options trading, and investigate tools and services that try to make our life as options sellers easier or more successful.
There are hundreds of option trading strategies, both 0DTE and longer durations. This site will mostly focus on strategies that benefit from selling theta, or time. The content will thus primarily be relevant if you are an options seller, and not buyer. Practically speaking all options seller strategies, whether they are market-neutral or directional, benefit from the decay of theta.
I am a journalist by background. In many years I worked as journalist and editor in one of Norway's leading newspapers, Aftenposten. This included a period as the newspaper's correspondent in Asia, based in Hong Kong. Later I have worked with communications in the Norwegian media company Schibsted (owner of Aftenposten and other leading media outlets in Scandinavia) for many years. For several years I travelled back and forth to Krakow in Poland to set up our technology company there.
Options trading has been my hobby since 2018. The good thing about living in Norway, is that the US market is open after office hours in our country, making it easy to combine with having a normal job.
The first few years were ups and downs. I lost money by copying others' trades. I took too much risk, and the market turbulence at the start of the corona pandemic in 2020 blew away half of my account. Simply put: I took too much risk. But then I found my way, and since the lowest point my trading account has more than quadrupled.
I hope you will follow along on the journey!
John Einar Sandvand
Follow Theta Profits
The information provided on Thetaprofits.com is for educational purposes only and is not intended as financial or investment advice. Options trading involves substantial risk and is not suitable for every investor. Past performance is not indicative of future results. You should carefully consider your financial situation and consult with a qualified financial advisor before making any investment decisions. Thetaprofits.com, its authors, and affiliates are not responsible for any losses incurred as a result of using this information. By using this site, you agree to the terms of use and acknowledge that trading options can result in significant losses.